December 14th 2024 I Day Retreat with Alejandra & Vastiane I Flingern

Home / / December 14th 2024 I Day Retreat with Alejandra & Vastiane I Flingern


Workshop-Class: Backbending as a Tool of Transformation mit Katy Scherer

21. Januar 14-16:30Uhr

ORT: Shivasloft Flingern Hoffeldstrasse 31

” In forward bends, one uses the outer mind whilst in back bends the outer mind is silenced and the inner mind is made to work.” – B.K.S Iyengar

Backbending is a crucial element in yogas asana practice as we work intensely with the body but it’s important to remember that though backbending we are able to access the deeper more subtle layers of our being. When you begin to understand the connection that back bending has with our five layers or Koshas, we begin to experience the true power of the spine.
During this Masterclass you will be guided though a Vinyasa sequence design to bring awareness, heat and mobility to the back. This awareness will allow us to delve deeper into the process of backbanding and give us the opportunity to see where it can take us! 
We will use asana, breathwork as well as meditation during our masterclass to achieve this and there will be a opportunity to ask individual questions at the end. 
 Our focus:
  • Preparing ourselves for backbend on a physical, energetic and mental level.
  • Understanding our own unique anatomy to make the best back bending decisions. 
  • Learning the important components of backbending and integrating them into our practice.
  • Learning how to use  props and adjustments to help you on your journey. 
Who is this masterclass for?
This masterclass is recommended for all students interested in working on their  backbending and who are not completely new to the yoga practice. As backbends work strongly with the nervous system it is recommended that students have at least some experience with yoga asana and a basic backbending practice. 



About Katy;
Katy Scherer E-RYT 500 and a KPJAYI/ SYC Authorised Teacher. 

Katy finds the blurred lines between tradition and modernity fascinating, scary, provocative and transformational. An Ashtangi at heart she finds comfort and support within the traditions of the practice, completing 3 months of study in Mysore under Sharath Jois where she was blessed with his authorisation to teach.

 When it comes to breathwork and pranayama it’s a different story. After years of traditional practice she shook things up and dove head first into the world of breathwork where she experienced the life altering power of breath!

Bending in tradition, modern science and dynamic breathwork practices she offers a space for all students to go all in, go deep all whilst being supported on the breathwork journey.

Katy believes there is a beauty of combining the tradition with the modern to create a practice that serves you so you can serve others. A dedicated practitioner, teacher, business owner, mama and wife she understands the true meaning of flexibility and likes to share the lessons she has learnt to all willing to try.


Early Bird bis 15. Dezember 30€, danach 40€

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